Saturday 24 August 2013

Welcome to Early Years and Kindergarten

Dear Early Years and Kindergarten Parents,

We are so happy to have your child/children in our class this year. We would like to take this opportunity to inform you about some important matters:

1. Early Years children can be brought directly to the classroom starting at 8:20 every morning. Kindergarten students should wait outside with the other Primary students where there will be adult supervision. They enter the building at 8:30.

2. P.E. classes are on Wednesday and Thursday. Please make sure your child has an appropriate P.E. outfit (T-shirt, shorts or jogging pants, and running shoes) with them on these days. The clothes may be kept at school.

3. Both classes have a morning snack. Early Years will eat in the classroom and Kindergarten eats outside on the playground during Morning Break. Please send them with a healthy snack.

4. Both classes will be eating lunch in the cafeteria. We will be there to help them for the first couple of weeks and after that there will be older student helpers as well as teacher supervision.

5. The students do have outdoor recess, weather permitting, twice a day. They will be going outside even when it is cold and snowy, so please send them with appropriate outdoor clothing.

6. All parents should pick up their children at the classroom at 15:00.

7. It is important that you always keep an extra set of clothing here in the classroom in case of accidents.

8. We happily celebrate the birthdays of the children. If you would like to bring in a treat for the whole class, please speak with us a week before so we can agree on a date and time. We also ask that you keep this to something small (cupcakes or a small cake to be shared), and bring with any needed utensils and plates or napkins.

Thank you so much for your help. We are looking forward to a fantastic year!


Mrs. Koller and Mrs. Spycher